Thursday, October 20, 2005

Dakar, Senegal

View of Dakar, Senegal

I arrived in Dakar, Senegal at night and was shuttled in a nice ambulance to a Dakar clinic, where I was hospitalized for another week. I cleaned out Dakar of a strong IV antibiotic, and the regional Peace Corps doctor, Dr. Savage, had to pay the Senegalese Army General a visit to track down some more for me. I had the dressings on the wound changed regularly under general anesthesia and some tunnels added on the sides of the wound. After a week I was discharged from the hospital and went to live at Dr. Savage's house with his family. It was amazing living with them. We had burritos and lasagna for dinner; serious treats after a life of rice and oily fish sauce every night during training in Guinea. Another Peace Corps volunteer from Guinea, Sandra, was also in Dakar getting physical therapy for her knee, so she helped me a lot while I was in the hospital. We even went out to dinner with a former volunteer in Guinea who was living and working in Dakar. I spent two weeks with the Savages and planned on getting skin grafts in Senegal and returning back to Guinea. Peace Corps Washington decided it would be wiser for me to return to the US for the skin grafts and recovery.

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